I was watching Starstruck Season Five earlier and I couldn't help being amused about it. All these youngsters trying their luck in show business, sparing all they have to give just to be literally in the line of fire. I guess there's nothing wrong with following your dream with whatever catches your fancy. What I found totally beguiling about it was that all the contestants were thin. Yes, not an inch of fat. And then all the reality shows came flooding inside me..Survivor...Pinoy Big Brother..I mean if there were contestants who were a little on the heavy side..did they actually end up as the winner?
When I was a kid, losing weight was a real fad. If you were fifteen years old and not slim enough to fit in your prom dress, then it's definitely time to cut down. What I never realized then was that losing weight through fad diets at such an early age was not exactly healthy. But it didn't matter. All that did was to look really good and win the attention of the boy of your dreams. Now it seems that the youth are also so obsessed with beautifying themselves that they tend to forget the real battle outside having extra pounds.
I remember being ridiculed by my classmates at school, or how I never had a boyfriend because I wasn't slim enough. It really affects your self-esteem at one point of your life but then again when I start looking back at it now..I don't really communicate with those people who made fun of me anymore..and that I have a good man who loves me for who I am, excess fat and all.
With people signing up for talent shows and beauty contests, I guess a major factor is to look good. But looking good is connected with feeling good. A beautiful body and face means nothing if there is no confidence to carry it. It's just a sad known fact for competitions like these, you have to exert some more effort if you're typically not that blessed.
Our life outside high school and youth becomes even more challenging. Losing weight is also about adding a few more years to your existence. But being fat should not be a reason to pull you down. People don't hire you for a job because you charmed them with your looks, and despite that bulge edging on your pants, as long as you have the skills there is absolutely no hindrance from bagging everything you've wanted.I suppose those kids joining Starstruck feels just as much pressure. It would have been nice though to see someone chubby among the group. Well Yasmien Kurdi won and she is kind of on the heavy side. Still right now she tries hard to lose weight, when all she needs to do is act real good.
We all learn to push more when there is a physical incapability that engulfs us. And others have done so much to do that. Izza Calzado lost 200 pounds..hell..even Oprah did. But would everyone care at all? They lost weight to be healthy and not to win other people's thumbs up. They are good with their chosen craft and at the end of the day that is all that matters, thin or not.
I guess that is the reason why God chose us to be different from one another. Because he wants us to find out for ourselves what and where we could possibly succeed at. Ater all, looking good is just an added bonus, living good is what's important.Photos taken from Google Image bank
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