Clara was one of the girls I failed to notice in high school. In fact nobody dared to notice her. She used to sit at the back of the classroom where all the rowdy boys would stay while I always stay in the front row, trying to believe that the people who sat behind me were of less importance. I would assume that my armchair was some sort of a queen's throne, and anyone who wanted to be in my clique just had to bow down and kiss my boot. Most of the students in my class would whisper around school, giggling about her scrubby uniform and the ugly way her massive array of curls would fall across her spectacled pair of eyes. All I ever cared about were people who mattered to me, not some geek who didn't have any fashion sense in her system. She never really said anything to me, but I could tell that her world was as boring as her face. She didn't have many friends, in fact she would always sit alone, and try as hard as possible not to utter a single sound. I know I shouldn't care less especially when most of the students would make fun of the way she walked, or the way her shoulders would sag as if carrying an enormous backpack. Clara was Clara..and she could go her way while I'll definitely go mine.

She remained non-esistent for quite sometime. Until that day when I was assigned with some school work with her. I barely mentioned a word when Clara was the first to say something. It came out like a hoarse whsiper but she told me in the faintest way that she was excited to work with me. We were told to paint a slogan for the class graduation and I didn't want to spoil such an opportunity like this that I took the whole project to myself. She totally freaked me.

When graduation arrived, my slogan hang itself proudly in the auditorium. That's when in the first time in my life, I noticed Clara. She was nowhere to be found, even when we marched inside the room. It just struck me, not really knowing her even for the few days where we were asked to participate in a project together. I didn't care much about her views concerning the slogan but her presence suddenly hit me the moment I noticed she wasn't around. I didn't even have the nerve to ask any of my classmates where she was, in fear of being ridiculed. But I knew something was wrong.

I was concentrating hard on the names being called out for the diplomas when someone tapped me from behind. I turned to see an old woman handing me a rolled up piece of cardboard. Without hesitation, I took it from her extended hand and gingerly opened the package. It was Clara's slogan, made from an artistically crafted hand, the colors used to represent the class graduation almost appalled me. The drawings imitated all the students inside the classroom,,the rowdy boys at he back..Clara's seat...her curly hair and her eyes casted down with silent tears on her face..and there in the middle my "high chair" where a girl sat beaming and oblivious of everything else...I couldn't understand, and with that I stood up and ran to the old woman that handed me the slogan.

She was Claras mother. I learned that Clara couldn't make it to the graduation because of her illness. She was confined in the hospital the very same day she was supposed to come up the stage to receive her diploma. She had leukemia.

No one really understood Clara. Because no one dared enough to do so. In every high school..or in every human environment that we are evolving in, there are people who hurt you and people you get to hurt. I felt ashamed, knowing that I affected someone's life and refused to understand her plea. Why most of us turn our backs to others who seem unworthy of our attention. That we judge a person's appearance, unaware that they are as human as everyone else..who simply wanted to have a friend. In fear that others would mock us for seeking what is right, we choose a path to ostracize others not knowing that a life maybe at stake.

She died a few days after graduation. And I can still remember Clara. The way she would stare hard at me, the way I ignored her and felt irritated by her...when through it all, she simply needed someone to give her strength, someone to help her fight her disease.  It was ironic why she admired me, when I find out now that if there was anyone in this class to be was her. There were so many what-ifs..what if I knew all along...what if life hasn't been so unfair. But it was too late, I closed my heart too easily, and woke up when evertyhing was gone. There are a lot of Claras out there, people we put behind us, people who wanted to be a part of our lives. But we seem ruthless, we feel important about ourselves that the little things and insignificant people don't ring a bell. Life was never cruel, only sometimes people are.

Her death triggered an emotion inside me. Something I learned from someone who taught me that life should be as simple as it is. That we are mere mortals, born equal...and will die equal. That none of us own the right to put other people down, and look at them with no respect. We all circle around one existence, and we don't have the right to level ourselves higher than anyone else created in this world. Clara said I gave her last few years a big difference...but it's sad that she will never know the big difference she has made in mine.

Photo from Google Image Bank

It's amazing how all the big time call centers keep appearing out of nowhere. And the frequent that they come in, the more we are hypnotized to drop our current jobs and start joining their business. I guess with experience, In-house call centers (centers that support their own accounts) pay higher than outsourcing centers (centers that support outside accounts from different companies). Just like JP Morgan Chase. From what I've heard, they pay on the level of experience you've had with the industry, so for example you've been taking those friggin calls for like 5 years, then your salary would range at around 28k to 30k. Now it's stupid if you don't actually get blinded with that. The good thing about applying for them is you don't have to go through the standard call simulaton/grammar/technical exams that most call centers have. All it takes is the confidence in surviving their various initial, second, final, client, whatever interviews.
Of which I sparingly managed to survive.
I applied for their QA post like a month ago. HR called me for an initial interview, and to my surprise it was a phone patch interview with their QA manager and another HR person sitting there in the room with me, crazily jotting down notes. I took the liberty of explaining my qualifications which felt like forever for the 30 minute span that I sat there with all my English pouring heavily down my nose. After the interview, there was no word of advice from the HR, no "we'll inform you of what happens.." or "we'll call you back". All she could muster to say was "thank you for your time and have a great evening". WTF?????
And after a month, I am still waiting for a call. Normal people would have accepted that tiny detail that I wasn't qualified for the job. But sad to say it didn't stop me from hoping. Because after all, there was no confirmation or whatsoever. No email or text message the least from JP Morgan Chase that I didn't bag the job.
I don't know if there are other applicants who went through the same thing I did. I know for one thing that applying for a support position isn't exactly a one day processing thing. But waiting for a status of an application shouldn't be this tedious. You don't know for sure if they are still pending your status, or if the 25 pesos 5 page resume you had printed eventually went through their paper shredder.
So my experience with Chase isn't actually one of the best. I've heard as well that if you have bad history with any of the local credit cards, they instantly ban you. Which I think is crap. Because if one has a problem with managing money and debt, I think it's pathetic to judge a persons experience and credibility with the work being presented to him. Whatever the case maybe, it is not a basis on how well he could have performed with the company.
I have decided to throw away the issue but it's just discerning that a company with such high standards and popular advancement could possibly be this unprofessional. People actually take their job applications seriously, so it wouldn't hurt just as much if they were properly informed. Whatever it was worth, it was fun trying but in the end of the day, try not to waste other peoples time as well.

Photo from Google Image Bank

They say that women are different from one another and when I was a kid I have always read so much about Astrology books that I have arrived to the point that I consult most of these resources as my comfort. If one day you may find yourself falling in love with a woman who has the Libra sign, then let me give me a little piece of advice on how to deal with her.

Librans are born under the balance sign. Needless to say we are women who try to be equal about several things. Money for example. Once we get our paychecks, we are caught between splurging on a pair of expensive shoes or sticking all of our money in our pockets. We can go around the mall several times considering if it's worth it. If we do buy it, we go home with a contented smile on our faces, but after a few days we also stare at the shoes, condemning ourselves for the money wasted. We also tend to spend a little way too much on other people, but scrimping slightly on ourselves. Don't worry though, when you're with a Libra, she never runs out of money. She has something tucked away to make sure there is something when the times are rough.

Decisions are a toughie for us. Because of the weighting scale sign, we normally try to spread things out first before we decide on anything. Sometimes though it takes us a gazillion years before we do so. When you are with a Libran, don't attempt to ask her what she wants to do about something. Because once you do her brain waves start ticking and she just can't think for the moment. If for an example she would ask you where you would want to eat, try not to answer with "wherever you like honey". The reason she's asking is because she really wants you to decide for her. A better solution to this, after you've asked her where she wants to eat (and she has a blank look on her face), submit your statement with a rebuttal. Meaning present her with the Burger King..or Mcdonalds..then she'll answer where.

We are creatures born under extremities. We can both laugh and cry at the simplest things. When we argue, we fight like crazy, but after 10 minutes the anger just slips away, sometimes we even forget what we are angry about in the first place. We can be jealous to an extreme maximum, yet be apathetic altogether. We can sleep for like 48 hours straight or be up 48 hours as well. We can be lazy like the worst couch potato ever, and there are days where we work like a horse and never stop. For us Librans, I guess we only have two emotions, loving and not caring. When we love someone, they are the most important people in our lives, but when we are pushed to the limit, we eventually end up not giving a shit anymore. We can be overly independent, but in the end we can walk away and not remember anything.

Similarly to all women, Librans need appreciation. We are suckers for sweet words and compliments. In our minds we only try to please the people who mean something to us. So when your Libran wife or girlfriend patiently waits for you at home and prepared a delicious meal, take into prospective that she worked hard for it. A hug and a kiss is enough to make her feel special and important.

We are two different people. We are different when we are single, and when we are in love with someone. When you are at your worst, we continue loving you and supporting you. Forgive her if she cries once and awhile. Her tears are a result of her sensitivity, which I admit can sometimes be irritating. With our small faults we try our best to make up for it, and the silence that sometimes envelope us is the result of that.

Don't be afraid to be with a Libran. They are one of the signs who are most faithful and loyal. (cough). They may ogle some hot guy on TV, or look sideaways when you guys are walking at the mall, but still she keeps her hand locked in yours. Because at the end of the day, her man is the only real hunk that matters. When you fall in love with a Libra, expect her to stay, because she will definitely love you long time.

Photos from Google Image Bank
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A friend told me a story regarding this agent who was termed from a company because he apparently peed in a mineral water bottle during his shift. I was amazed at this story, not to mention grossed out. Picture this setting: Air-conditioned surroundings, multiple agents talking rapidly because of the queue, and then this brave young man suddenly stands up from his seat, pulled out his thingy, and then disposed himself right there and then in the middle of the operations floor. One would ask why this act of crudeness? Why wouldn't he simply go to his superior and ask himself to go to the little boys room? The answer is plain. A big plain NO. Most of us know that sometimes when the firing of calls are way beyond our control, our team leads would deny us that right to have our wee wee breaks. But the question is, why did this prevention cause this agent to push himself to rebellion and do this needful thing?
I believe that one wrong act can possibly be provoked by another. Let's say this agent is a veteran one (the ones who have been to so many call centers already and has been tenured long enough in the business to do something crazy and unlawful), but despite how aggravating a persons behavior is, this agent wouldn't have done anything beyond his self if someone did not fuse his temper. So he went to his team lead, asked politely to pee, and then this supervisor answers in a rude manner: "No, you stay in your seat and wait until your shift is over so you can go to the bathroom!" In ancient times this would have been cruel, and not to mention demeaning to ones sense as an employee. So all hell broke loose, as well as his thing in his pants and did the deed right there and then.
I once was a agent and never have I encountered such harshness. And now that I'm a supervisor too, I would never deny an agent his right to go to the bathroom despite the queue. I know that a team stats is fair competition, and the harder you press on your people to meet the goal, the better your scores would go up. But isn't this situation way too much? His act of disgracefulness would have caused his termination and I wouldn't disagree on it. But things could have been prevented easier. He wouldn't have lost his job, and the team leader wouldn't have lost his respect and vice versa if the entire situation was handled properly and fairly.
I wonder sometimes why other supervisors would value their numbers first beyond anything else. I remember a colleague telling me that agents are people too, they are not only digits that make a team perform. But I guess people vary, and once or twice we have encountered managers who see us only as a graph inside their heads. They smile politely to your benefit, but when you unconcsciously commit a mistake, they are the first ones to hang you at town aquare.
Just like this team leader. She has termed most of the agents who do not perform on her team. She thinks that they are the reasons who pull the stats down so she takes them out of the game. Wouldn't it have been better to focus your attention on non-performers and help them out of their weaknesses? But no. Nothing else matters for her. Only the numbers and her promotions. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.
I know not all of my agents like me. But I try to be fair with what they come up to me with. Besides I was an agent too before, and a team leader who doesn't believe in you and trust you makes the entire workplace a living hell. (Not to mention the difficulty of filing approval for Vacation Leaves).
So wherever that agent is right now, I can't help but be somehow proud of him. Although I know what he did is entirely uncalled for. There is just a lesson to be learned in all this, no matter what position you are in you have to know how to respect each other. And to that team leader slash terminator, I hope one day she learns to handle her team in a personal aspect as well. I mean you don't have any more friends, so if you keep kicking people out, there might not be a team left.

Photo from Google Image Bank

I was first introduced to Sinangag Express way back when I was a CSR in APAC. My friends would ask me if I wanted SEX, which was the common term used to this restaurant rumored to be serving the best tapsilog in town. Believe me I wasn't exactly a fan of processed food like tocino or longganisa, and the only thing tolerable for me was hotdog. We landed to having this treat at President Avenue in BF Homes Paranaque, and I was kinda surprised that there were a lot people dining in. Goes to saying that the rumor was true, they did serve the best tapsilog, or in my case hotsilog ever.

It's amazing how so many have learned to enjoy their food in the South, and as far as I know a lot of reviews and write ups have been made regarding it. I can't blame them, I was a fan myself. The hotdog and fried egg was perfectly cooked, there was soup, and the best part of it all was the rice itself. When you look at it, it seems as though it is fried in Star margarine, but the taste can simply take you away. Back then one meal costs 39 pesos, serve it with a tall glass of their iced tea, and you're craving for another extra plate of rice.

Combined with the cheap price and the quality of the food, I guess most people choose to dine in then order out all because of the ambiance itself. I can smoke while I wait for my food, and it's not the normal fast food where you have to wait in line. There are waiters who can take your order and serve on you with one just wave. The business has chosen to stay, and despite the countless competitors sprouting like mushrooms everywhere, SEX continued to be number one.

I was somehow miffed though when I last visited Sinangag Express on one of their branches here in Las Pinas. I sat comfortably with my boyfriend and waited for a menu, surprised to see that their prices have gone quite a bit up. From the once used-to-be 39 pesos, their meal was now at a 55 peso deal. And as renowned for theri fast service, our order took quite awhile this time, and the waiter even forget our order for extra rice, and had to return with it after at least 15 minutes. What also appalled me was the quantity of their food. They used to serve tapa in a hefty measure, and now it looks like a clump of shredded beef, spreaded neatly on your plate to look big. Even the hotdog shriveled smaller. The rice that used to overflow the corners of my plate was trimmed neatly in the middle, marking the fact that the cost has gone up and the quantity shrinking down.

I would like to think that the recession has affected many businesses. Including this one. The sad part is though, people have learned to love SEX because of the quality, quantity, and low price of their food. One time I passed by this branch in Las Pinas, and all the waiters were just standing by the door and waiting for customers. Business is obviously affected.

I searched through the web and was astonished to see that they already have a website running. They have various advertisements everywhere, and I came to realize that the business is tampered now with various media advertising. Of course with this kind of extent, people have to raise their stakes higher and live their reputations as big establishments. The sacrifice is, others would choose to eat a chicken meal at another fast food place if they choose to range their prices with other big time restaurants. The once simple tambayan of good food is slowly climbing up the corporate ladder, and despite their efforts to remain the best, it is inevitable that their patrons will somehow dwindle. After all people have known them to serve large portions for a lesser price, but when they come to see what has happened through the blooming of the business, they can't help but find somewhere else to eat.

It's disappointing in one way or another. I mean the profit itself would be good for the franchisers, but if they keep riding this trend, people will be dispersing. Honestly I would rather choose to eat a tapsilog just near my house for only 35 pesos, and is served the same way as SEX does, minus the glamour of flashy advertisements and all.

It would be good that SEX would learn a lesson from this. I became a fan of them only by word of mouth. They don't need to exert too much effort to win their customers. It is not the added Taho and Ice Cream on their menu or whatever fussy stuff to maintain their fans. If they continue to serve good and large amounts of food at a cheap price, they wouldn't have any problems. But if they can't, then I for one choose not to stay. After all, yes SEX is good, but the price just ain't really worth it.

Photo from Republic of the South


Dear Santa,

I was having second thoughts of writing to you, mainly because I'm not sure if you really exist or not. But I guess there is no harm in trying, after all if wishes do come true, then mine is probably worth a shot. I know that when they talk about you and when they get to sit on your knee, they ask so many material things. A new car, a cellphone that has everything on it, a house, a promotion..and the list just goes on. I refuse to be a hypocrite, and in just any normal day I would have asked for the same thing. But this year I chose not to.

Santa, I know you can't bring me back my Daddy and my Mommy to celebrate the holidays with me. I only wish to feel that same joy I used to have when Christmas is coming. When I was a child I look forward to the cheers and the reunions, but as the years passed the holiday is merely nothing to me. I have forgotten what it was like to smell the festive dinner my mom would be preparing, or the laughter that would come from the living room while we waited for midnight to open the gifts. Help me remember those wonderful times, and understand that the true meaning of Christmas is family..and happiness..and being together.

Santa I also wish to be less selfish. For the whole year I only thought of myself and carelessly meddled with other peoples feelings. I only wanted to be the best in everything I do, and I know there is nothing wrong with that. But help me nurture my talent in ways that I do not step on other people or hurt others.

Santa, help me to be more thankful of the blessings that come to me. Sometimes I am so enveloped with all the material things in my life that I tend to forget the little things that matter the most. Help me thank all the ones who were there for me through my hardships and for those who stayed while I was at my worst. I guess I can't really thank them enough. So if you can send them a gift on your way, I would truly appreciate it.

Santa help me to become a stronger person than I already am. Help me continue to fight my battles and to stand up from my mistakes. I know my life wasn't that easy for me this year, but teach me to hold on and move forward. That I can cry and be weak for a moment, but will not allow it to pull me down forever.

And Santa,  my last wish for this Christmas is to be able to appreciate all the people around me. That even if I don't get to eat a fabulous Christmas dinner, nor receive any gifts, I would know how to smile and laugh and feel good about myself despite all the tears that I already shed. I know it would have been better to ask for an Ipod, but it would have been nothing compared to the person who would actually give me one. Help me to remember to love life, and savor each moment as if it was my last.

Thank you and Merry Christmas..

Photo from Google Image Bank

I saw you come out of that car..with a shy smile on your face.
I didn't know then that my life would change.
It was a struggle at first, petty fights, minor disagreements, things that we did surpass.
Because at the end of the day, I knew I had you, and you had me..for all the right reasons.
Sometimes I know it is still difficult.
And I know you want to scream your head off when the times are tough.
I know this because I feel the same.
I feel the same pain when you curl up in a corner, with your mind drifting away from me.
Or when you look at a distance and wonder how we can get through.
I hurt when you hurt. That is how much you mean to me.
I cannot blame you if you do not want to see me miserable.
But I would be more miserable with out you by my side especially now.
I may not be as consoling..but all you have to do is ask..because I am always here..and I will never leave you.
Our lives are thrown together by fate and I never stopped believing in that.
I never stopped believing in you.
In us.
Although I cannot your questions in the way you would want me to, my silence is not an image of my doubt.
Because I also gather my strength for what is yet for us to overcome.
I love the way you would laugh and I miss that.
I know right now it is difficult to laugh until our stomach ache.
But we will again.
For as long as we have each other, do not fear my love.
Like you always tell me..the universe provides.
I don't care much about all the material things in the world.
If I don't have you with me to share it.
It is not a losing battle..because even if everyone else gave up on us.
I know I would never give up on you.
I would never give up fighting..because you are the one who makes me fight.
Please be patient, I know it hurts.
Even if I cannot alleviate the pain, I am here to take a bit of it away.
I love you so much.
And if there is one thing worth fighting for.
I know I am always ready to fight for that.


Once upon a time there was this little girl who had big dreams for the future. She lived with a family who was wonderful to her...despite the walls they created to protect her from the vile realities of the world. Desperate for freedom, she would gaze out her window in silent longing for the truth that held her captive. That one day she can be part of that reality, no matter how bitter it's ends would be. But she believed that her family meant well, and that their protection was built as a shield for her not to be blinded with all the harshness that engulfs our lives. Still, with an inquisitive brain atop her young shoulders, she broke herself loose from the chains of captivity and ventured on her own, discovering along the way that her family deemed her intentions wrong. She mingled with people, threw away her inhibitions, became reckless with her emotions, and in the end tore her sanity apart.

Words of wisdom flew away and she felt free and unchained..she was living her life to the fullest..and until one day she fell apart.

With tears in her eyes she went home. And her family enveloped her back, wiped her sorrow away...but even if their comfort would erase all the pain that consumed her, it was embedded within. She tried to forget how the outside world had been so cruel, how people hurt her, how she sacrificed everything for others, and ended up battered and wounded. Her mind was set to hate them for all eternity and enclose herself within the arms of that protective wall her family built around her. But she knew that she cannot stay protected forever. That one day she would have to go beyond what others expected of her. It is the cruel whips of life that would eventually make her the person that she was meant to be.

The little girl fought and even if she turned out to be the fine woman that she is, she protected herself from anyone that would attempt to grow close to her. She knew men would only cause her harm, and she was not up to anymore pain. With all of that, she wanted to remain in that tower forever but she couldn't. She was a part of the world, no matter how small that part vould be. And this wasn't a fairy tale. Deep in her heart she wanted to believe that life could be beautiful, that one magical day a prince would save her from all the pain..but all she had left was to dwell on her own strength, and hope that if fairy tales do exist, she would finally share her strength with someone.

Amidst all that, strenght and coyrage is one thing that holds the pieces of that little girl's soul. But she lives with a yearning, a hunger to believe that somewhere out there, someone would be willing to walk beside her and face life's realities together, someone who would not only vatch her when she falls but stand beside her to prevent her from falling. Someone who is not meant to make her happy..but to share her happiness.

And after waiting for what she seemed like an eternity..she did. She fell in love with his eyes, the careful way he would hold her hand..and that soft voice that soothes her doubts gone. He didn't arrive in a white horse, nor clad in steel to battle off any dragons. All it took was a smile to make her trust and believe that even if fairy tales are purely fiction, her prince charming was not so far away.

There are many lost lost little girls out there..women of their prime..who keep searching what their lives mean. Women...who angrily curse men out of their lives forever. But a woman, no matter how independent and tough you maybe..we are not destined to live alone...just like everyone else. I believed in that. I was once that little girl too.

It doesn't take a fairy tale to believe in one. All it takes is a man who can sweep you off your feet, glory in your success, and accept you when you're at your worst. I found that man who saved me. Now dare to find yours.

Whenever I got to the mall, I never let an opportunity slide without having to pass the pet shop. Coming from a family of dog lovers, the sight of canines actually pleases me. And as I stare at those furry creatures caged up inside a marble floor, I couldn't help but wish that I had all the money in the world to purchase each and every one of them.
It has always been a mystery though how dogs can survive around human beings and vice-versa. Training and raising a dog is never an easy process. It takes more than just the best dog schools, or expensive canine food to understand them. With a little patience and time, your hound is on it's way to being the best friend you might ever have in this lifetime. I can't count on my fingers anynore how many dogs I've already had for a pet, but each one has been special.

If you're a first time owner of a pup, it's inevitable that you may not be aware of the basic do's and don'ts. Not to mention the doubts inside your head if you are truly ready to have one. Let me give you a rundown on how to give your doggy the awesome years of his existence.

1. When choosing a dog, choose one that fits your lifestyle. If you're the typical prissy rich girl, there are a lot of Poodles and Chihuahuas out there that can very much groove to your way of living. If you're the sporty type, why not find a Golden Retriever or Labrador who can jog with you every morning? Most of the time though dogs are given out as gifts, so whatever breed you get, treat them the same way as any other canine. Breed or not.

2. As your pup settles around his new home, allow him to make space for himself. Where he would want to sleep, where he would want to take his food. Of course this includes house training him. It's understandable that puppies tend to make every tile in your house as his bathroom, so whenever he gets the itch to hitch, show him the right way. Worse comes to worst, he may have done the deed already, so if that happens...NEVER HIT HIM OR SHOUT AT HIM. This causes fear in a dog's mental system, instead of following you, he ends up getting scared of you. Talk to him in a stern way, and after he has messed up the floor, take him outside to receive the inclination of where he's supposed to do the deed. He'll pick up from there.

3. Just like humans, dogs require sustenance. Dog food varies among the ages, so you better get advice from your vet on what's the best for his nourishment. On my experience, we sometimes feed the dog rice or bread. This doesn't really do much harm to your pet, as long as you don't keep it as a habit. It's only to give your dog a little variety in his eating lifestyle. (and of course when you've run out on dog food and too lazy to go out to buy some) But provide his daily diet by feeding him the usual Alpo or Pedigree brands, not only to ensure his health but also to maintain the shiny coat of his hair. To top it all, always keep a clean basin of water for him to drink. People can handle the temperature but not when you're covered in paddings of fur. Point taken I hope.

4. Bathing time should not be considered a chore. Not only if you keep your dog inside the house, but dogs who are kept outside also need to be bathe at least every week. With the temperature of course, your dog literally needs to let his hair down once and awhile to provide coolness from the heat. There are dogs who enjoy the water, but others tend to whine and fight back as you struggle with the shampoo and hose. Again, the DO NOT HIT HIM AND SHOUT AT HIM rule. Reprimanding will lead you nowhere, only in shambles and a wet tush. Enjoy the bath, if you get wet, then do so. Have fun and make him feel comfortable about cleaning time. Bath tools, shampoos, soaps, and flea powders are prescribed by your vet, so feel free to consult them. Plus don't forget to gently dry him off with an old towel and smooth out the snarls on his hair with an old brush or comb.

5. The vet plays a vital role in the growth of your canine. Have time to visit your local Veterinary clinic and ask for injections and booster shots to ensure the health of your dog. Again this shouldn't be a chore. If there's anybody out there who understands the needs of your dogs best, then it's the vet. You may assume that a mere cold or flu can be alleviated by over the counter paracetamols, but to be 100% sure, consult your vet to know how a sickness affects him, and ways to prevent all sorts of diseases. Don't attempt to play Doctor Doolittle.

6. Similarly to children, dogs have a need to be given time. If they have hours set for eating and sleeping, he also demands a breather. Meaning these animals deserve their own allotted space for playtime. I know this sounds redundant, but again have the time to spare in a day to take him out of his cage, or release him from his leash for a little horsing around. Play with him, have fun with him, as much as possible spend time with him. You didn't get a dog just to guard your house or to chase the mailman, these creatures want attention too. Talk to him if you can, he is man's best friend after all. He may not respond to your complaints about your snotty boss, or if the car loan you applied for that got denied. All that's important is make him feel that he is a part of your life, no matter how busy it is.
7. Last is the best advice that I can share to all you wannabe dog owners. All the stuff to help you nourish your dog can be purchased at any pet store or from your resident vet. But the best way of making your dog feel alive is by giving him the love he needs. Most of us presume that they are only animals. But they too have feelings of their own. They may not say it out loud in verbal words but they crave for attention and care the same way as most of us would. Understanding goes as far as trying to be patient and listening to their barks and to their whines. Try to see what he means when he looks at you with his ears down, or when he ecstatically jumps on you with his tail wagging like crazy.

Having a dog is just like having children. There's always a first time for it, and once you partake in such an obligation, you will begin to enjoy the wonders of owning one. After a tiring day at work, he will be happy to see you and you will feel the stress ebbing away. When you are alone he will sit by you, not saying anything but being there and being the friend you need. The rewards are limitless and they usually do not ask much in return. They are truly man's best friend. Try owning one, and you'll know exactly what I mean.

Photos from Google Image Bank
Photos from Google Image Bank
I went to SM Southmall late this afternoon, and while I was eating an ice cream cone, I decided to stand by near the skating rink and amuse myself with all those people trying their luck skating. To my astonishment though, most of them were kids, and they were actually pretty good with what they were doing. One little girl was about 6 years old, and she was wearing this very cute pink skirt and matching pink skates, and all the while I was watching her, she never fell on the ground. I mean I tried roller skates in Baguio before and they were tough to use. How could it possibly compare to a slicer underneath your shoes?

One boy who was about 13 impressed me as much while he skidded around and did some jumps to amaze us bystanders. Every now and then he would stumble but would stand up again and skate. I suppose some of the audience would snicker to themselves each time he fell, and I did too, however I thought of how difficult it is to ice skate and I grow back to being awed by what I see.

These kids were barely in high school but when you see them focus with such perseverance, I can't help but wonder if I shared the same feeling with them when I was younger. The youth today are very much exposed to various activities they can choose from, and back then ours was very limited. Still do the choices matter? Because despite what craft you pick to excel in, I suppose the real reward is the hard work that you put in it.

My brother always wanted to learn how to play the guitar when he was a child. So my dad decided to pull him one day and allowed him to hold one. I could still remember the awful sounds he used to make, and the temper tantrums he shot all of us with each time he got a chord wrong or when his fingers could not move properly against the instrument. I would have made a bet that on day one he would give up, and all the ugly sounds would finally be gone. But he didn't stop. It kept him up late at night (much to my parents annoyance), after school he'd immediately shut himself inside his room and practice, he read all the song books and memorized the chords..he did just about anything to learn. My father was surprised with all the determination he displayed, and all the while he just thought him the basics, and in the end my brother took the initiative to furnish his own accomplishment.

Well he did learn. And he is very good at it now. The plicky-placky sounds were replaced with a melodious strumming each time he was alone in his room. And I knew now that it took him just as much discipline and hard work all by himself, asking guidance but seeking the craft all on his own.

I guess we were all like that when we were kids. When we were given a picture to color, we tried and tried until we color inside the lines. When we fell off a bike, we cry a little over the bruises but we climb again and give it one more shot. Our parents were there to encourage us, but learning was a part we hold responsible for ourselves.

Now I think how that childlike will has somehow dissipated in all of us. At work, when we are discouraged by what we do, or if a colleague makes our lives hell, we focus to much on that and give up. When we think that life is no longer easy we only succumb to the nearest change, instead of finding ways to pacify it. Sometimes in the agony of what we feel, we blame others, or we kill ourselves. We forget that we can learn from experiences and make ourselves a better person out of it.

My brother never really mind all the ridicule and laughter that we showered him while he was learning to play the guitar. Well maybe he cried a bit. But he took the sarcasm not as a fault to give up, but to push harder. When we think so much of what other people say in what we do, we forget the main goal of our purpose. When we want to make a statement, or to create a difference, we worry too much on what others would say first. And thus it all just ends there, without any of us even trying.

And as I stared at that 13 year old boy and that 6 year old little girl who practiced and practiced all day to become successful skaters, I began to envy their discipline and dedication to fulfill a dream. I thought that if I was years older than them, it was too late to continue dreaming. But when I left that area I told myself I was wrong.

We all grow old inevitably, And sometimes what we wanted before can never come back. But it wasn't too late. It's not too late to use your unsophisticated way of dealing with a problem. That if we fall, we can still cry like a child, run to a nearest refuge, but be able to wipe our faces with smudgy hands and try again. That when we hurt we let the pain take us for a moment, but smile cheekily after. That when we have a goal, we are mindless and carefree, aiming for what we truly want, and succeeding at it..bruises..tears..hardship and all.

Our childhood is something that may have died. But don't let your dreams die with it.

Second Photo from Google Image Bank