They say that women are different from one another and when I was a kid I have always read so much about Astrology books that I have arrived to the point that I consult most of these resources as my comfort. If one day you may find yourself falling in love with a woman who has the Libra sign, then let me give me a little piece of advice on how to deal with her.
Librans are born under the balance sign. Needless to say we are women who try to be equal about several things. Money for example. Once we get our paychecks, we are caught between splurging on a pair of expensive shoes or sticking all of our money in our pockets. We can go around the mall several times considering if it's worth it. If we do buy it, we go home with a contented smile on our faces, but after a few days we also stare at the shoes, condemning ourselves for the money wasted. We also tend to spend a little way too much on other people, but scrimping slightly on ourselves. Don't worry though, when you're with a Libra, she never runs out of money. She has something tucked away to make sure there is something when the times are rough.
Decisions are a toughie for us. Because of the weighting scale sign, we normally try to spread things out first before we decide on anything. Sometimes though it takes us a gazillion years before we do so. When you are with a Libran, don't attempt to ask her what she wants to do about something. Because once you do her brain waves start ticking and she just can't think for the moment. If for an example she would ask you where you would want to eat, try not to answer with "wherever you like honey". The reason she's asking is because she really wants you to decide for her. A better solution to this, after you've asked her where she wants to eat (and she has a blank look on her face), submit your statement with a rebuttal. Meaning present her with the Burger King..or Mcdonalds..then she'll answer where.
We are creatures born under extremities. We can both laugh and cry at the simplest things. When we argue, we fight like crazy, but after 10 minutes the anger just slips away, sometimes we even forget what we are angry about in the first place. We can be jealous to an extreme maximum, yet be apathetic altogether. We can sleep for like 48 hours straight or be up 48 hours as well. We can be lazy like the worst couch potato ever, and there are days where we work like a horse and never stop. For us Librans, I guess we only have two emotions, loving and not caring. When we love someone, they are the most important people in our lives, but when we are pushed to the limit, we eventually end up not giving a shit anymore. We can be overly independent, but in the end we can walk away and not remember anything.
Similarly to all women, Librans need appreciation. We are suckers for sweet words and compliments. In our minds we only try to please the people who mean something to us. So when your Libran wife or girlfriend patiently waits for you at home and prepared a delicious meal, take into prospective that she worked hard for it. A hug and a kiss is enough to make her feel special and important.
We are two different people. We are different when we are single, and when we are in love with someone. When you are at your worst, we continue loving you and supporting you. Forgive her if she cries once and awhile. Her tears are a result of her sensitivity, which I admit can sometimes be irritating. With our small faults we try our best to make up for it, and the silence that sometimes envelope us is the result of that.
Don't be afraid to be with a Libran. They are one of the signs who are most faithful and loyal. (cough). They may ogle some hot guy on TV, or look sideaways when you guys are walking at the mall, but still she keeps her hand locked in yours. Because at the end of the day, her man is the only real hunk that matters. When you fall in love with a Libra, expect her to stay, because she will definitely love you long time.
Photos from Google Image Bank
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