Dear Santa,

I was having second thoughts of writing to you, mainly because I'm not sure if you really exist or not. But I guess there is no harm in trying, after all if wishes do come true, then mine is probably worth a shot. I know that when they talk about you and when they get to sit on your knee, they ask so many material things. A new car, a cellphone that has everything on it, a house, a promotion..and the list just goes on. I refuse to be a hypocrite, and in just any normal day I would have asked for the same thing. But this year I chose not to.

Santa, I know you can't bring me back my Daddy and my Mommy to celebrate the holidays with me. I only wish to feel that same joy I used to have when Christmas is coming. When I was a child I look forward to the cheers and the reunions, but as the years passed the holiday is merely nothing to me. I have forgotten what it was like to smell the festive dinner my mom would be preparing, or the laughter that would come from the living room while we waited for midnight to open the gifts. Help me remember those wonderful times, and understand that the true meaning of Christmas is family..and happiness..and being together.

Santa I also wish to be less selfish. For the whole year I only thought of myself and carelessly meddled with other peoples feelings. I only wanted to be the best in everything I do, and I know there is nothing wrong with that. But help me nurture my talent in ways that I do not step on other people or hurt others.

Santa, help me to be more thankful of the blessings that come to me. Sometimes I am so enveloped with all the material things in my life that I tend to forget the little things that matter the most. Help me thank all the ones who were there for me through my hardships and for those who stayed while I was at my worst. I guess I can't really thank them enough. So if you can send them a gift on your way, I would truly appreciate it.

Santa help me to become a stronger person than I already am. Help me continue to fight my battles and to stand up from my mistakes. I know my life wasn't that easy for me this year, but teach me to hold on and move forward. That I can cry and be weak for a moment, but will not allow it to pull me down forever.

And Santa,  my last wish for this Christmas is to be able to appreciate all the people around me. That even if I don't get to eat a fabulous Christmas dinner, nor receive any gifts, I would know how to smile and laugh and feel good about myself despite all the tears that I already shed. I know it would have been better to ask for an Ipod, but it would have been nothing compared to the person who would actually give me one. Help me to remember to love life, and savor each moment as if it was my last.

Thank you and Merry Christmas..

Photo from Google Image Bank
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